
​3-Year Old Preschool Class
Here at Trinity, the 3s Program is dedicated to providing you the very best care and quality education possible for your child. The three year old's curriculum focuses on these areas of individual development for each child:
Creative Arts
Science/ Sensory
Dramatic Play
Music/ Movement
Outdoor Learning

​4-Year Old Preschool Class
The 4 year old program facilitates the following through a balance of
teacher and child directed activities in preparation for kindergarten:
Social/Emotional Development- Sense of self, family and community, self-
discipline, cooperative play.
Cognitive Development- Letter recognition (uppercase and lowercase and
their sounds), math skills (number recognition, counting, one-to-one
correspondence, sequencing and shape recognition).
Fine Motor Development- Pre-writing skills (working with manipulatives and
developing eye-hand coordination), writing skills (letter, number, shape
formation and name writing), coloring, cutting, gluing, painting, zippering
and buttoning.
Gross Motor Development- Running, jumping, galloping, skipping, hopping,
throwing and catching.